Stop Breathing So Hard
Kim Wade Kim Wade

Stop Breathing So Hard

I’m reading a wonderful book right now which encourages us to breathe less. It talks about how most, if not all, of the major religious prayers that we speak encourage a natural rhythm to them that are universal. No matter where in the world the prayer was being spoken, the rhythmic verse of these ancient texts, universally, all fell into a sync that is perfectly attuned to the most optimal timing of how our body best responds to receiving our breath. Yes, our breath!

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Sleep for your Brain
Kim Wade Kim Wade

Sleep for your Brain

I was kissed this morning. Lifted with the sunrise when it planted a big ol kiss on my cheek. That’s how I woke up. Sleep is the preciousness in my life. My kids, my friends, the love that surrounds me…and my sleep.

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Ayurvedic Tips for a Healthy Night Sleep
Kim Wade Kim Wade

Ayurvedic Tips for a Healthy Night Sleep

Have you ever been in bed for 8 hours but woke up exhausted? Do you find yourself waking up at the same time each night? Thanks to so much research in the area of healthy sleep over the last decades, science now shows what Ayurveda has been sharing with us for thousands of years!

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Doshas: what are they and how do they impact your health?
Kim Wade Kim Wade

Doshas: what are they and how do they impact your health?

Are you creative but struggle to finish a task? Is letting go of past resentments a real challenge for you? Do you get overly critical with yourself or others when things are not done perfectly? These are all signs that you may be out of your dosha balance.

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